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Aboriginal Art

Billyara is one of Australia's leading Indigenous artist’s with 35 years industry experience. Providing quality authentic Aboriginal art, products and education.


Come on a visual journey through Billyara’s Award winning artwork showcasing a contemporary exploration of Aboriginal history, current times and the spiritual connection he shares with his ancestors.

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Brett Parker “Billyara”

I am from the Wiradjuri tribe, we are Murrumbidgee River People and my family lived at Brungle Mission near the Tumut River, NSW. I sign my paintings Billyara, this is my totem, an eagle and it stems from my connection with the land.

I started on my cultural journey from a young age and grew up learning about my Indigenous heritage from family. As a young fulla I was always learning and exploring my surroundings and have always had a love for art so after finishing school I signed up to be a part of an Indigenous Skill share course in partnership with Darkinjung Local Aboriginal Land Council on the Central Coast NSW. That allowed me to engage and learn more about my culture by going bush with the elders and learning the processes of selecting wood and making artefacts, painting and traditional Aboriginal dance. It was then that I showed a natural talent and the elders embraced my artistic gifts. One of the main points was bringing back the traditions to the younger generations.


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By “Billyara”

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I like to use my surroundings and nature to inspire me. I  have a strong connection to the land, animals and the spiritual link, with all that the Earth and elements provided through Aboriginal culture.

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What people say

Brett Billyara Parker is an amazing artist and teacher! My students have thoroughly enjoyed creating art with Brett on many occasions, from individual artworks to collaborative projects. He is fantastic with the students, who respect his quiet and calm manner. They have enjoyed learning about Aboriginal culture through Brett's shared stories. I can't recommend Billyara Art highly enough!

- Amy Ballopoulos

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